Saturday, February 04, 2012

Buyers guide to properties in Gurgaon

In December 2011, I was in Gurgaon to invest in its real estate market. I had visited the region after 6 years. The pace of the new developments there and people's attitude in the growing consumerist culture absolutely amazed me. It cemented my belief in investing in India, particularly in Gurgaon.

Note that our budget was in the 75 lacs-1 cr range for a 3 bedroom apartment. Also, our investment horizon was up to 5 years. For that budget and time, following sectors looked reasonable: 103-109, 77-91, and sector 61 (golf course extension). Take a look at the following 2025 master plan of development in Gurgaon to locate those sectors.

Let me now compare those locations based on three key decision-making parameters:

1) Location,
2) Builders, and
3) Price.

1) Location: In Gurgaon, good location is dependent on proximity to the following: a) NH8, b) Dwarka-Expressway, c) City Center (sectors 29-49 in the map)

Based on those attributes, Sectors 77-91 appeared to be clear winners. Here's why.

a) NH8: The new Gurgaon City, ie sectors 29-71, developed around NH8. Thus, there is a good chance that future development will continue along NH8 and consequently around sectors 71-91. These sectors are easily accessible via NH8 from the city center. Most sites already have well developed sectors roads. Also, they have close proximity to Manesar and surrounding Reliance SEZ. And, the anticipated Expressway will serve most of these sectors.

Based on those calculations, my hypothesis was that these sectors will continue to develop at a much faster rate than the other sectors - 103-109 or 61. From appreciation and rentability standpoint, these sectors were clear winners.

b) Dwarka-Expressway: Dwarka-Expressway may be completed in the next year or so - most developments in sector 103-109 are based on that. However, currently, those sectors have poor commute. There are only rural roads that connect the city center to those sectors. Moreover, there are no sector roads that connect different areas within those sectors. As a result, my analysis was that those sectors will take a long time to develop and thus will likely have slow rate of appreciation. Here's the caveat though: If you are willing to wait long (~10 years), the appreciation may be great since these sectors are closer to the IGI airport and the anticipated Diplomatic Enclave near Dwarka. But from the 5 years investment horizon, we chose to steer clear of these sectors.

2) Builders: I checked the following builders: Ansals, ATS, Bestech, Chintals, DLF, Rahejas, and Spaze. Here's my analysis on each of them.

a) Ansals: Ansals were good at some point, but they continue to maintain the old school development philosophy. As a result, their new constructions are not contemporary. They have a value proposition in Kundli, but certainly not in Gurgaon.

b) ATS: They are well reputed builders from Noida, however, they have no track record in Gurgaon. They have couple of properties under construction in sectors 109 (Kocoon) and 104. Sector 104 was in the pre-booking stage - too early to make reasonale assessment. For its  location, I found Kocoon to be over priced. Most importantly, they have a joint venture with Chintals that raised red flags. Here's why: i) Chintals are land grabbers and not really real-estate developers, ii) In a JV such as this, if there's a fall-out between the two partners, consumers/buyers will be most hit, iii) Moreover, they were not ready to hand us the agreement. Also, there was this strange arrangement where we pay them but get ownership of the property from ATS. As a result 104 and 109 were thrown out of the window.

c) Bestech had the best customer service and good location to invest at. The sales guys were gracious, forthcoming, accommodating, and knowledgeable. We ended up buying an apt. in their new development - Ananda, in sector 81. It was a good compromise between affordability, location, accessibility to the city center, and rentability.

d) Chintals, as noted previously came across as thugs. They were not transparent about their dealings and JV with Ansals. I dropped them like hot potatoes.

e) DLF was out of my budget. Reputed builders of course, but they have been known to cause delays in their projects. Similar to Ansals, they also belong to the old school of thought.

f) Rahejas - They have some of the most ambitious developments. Revanta with 53 storeys and a halipad on the roof tops it all. However, they are relatively new builders in the area. Also, since I found out that they are not the same "Rahejas" as the more reputed "Rahejas" in Mumbai, I decided against them. Also because I felt they were trying to play it off the more reputable Rahejas.

g) Spaze: Their residential property in Sector 84 is a prime location. However, much like Chintals, they came across as unprofessional with a low regard for buyers. Worse, most of their sales force came across as newbies, which was a deal breaker for me.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

GE's Innnovation Equation

(Imagination/Risk) *sweat2 = Breakthrough ideas

Amounts to a risk-averse, crawling organization that contrary to the culture that it touts, encourages an un-innovative environment in its workplace.

Having said that though, I must congratulate and commend those individuals who have navigated through the underlying GE bureaucracy and managed to stay innovative and imaginative.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Attended Pt. Rajan Sajan Mishra's concert today. It was, to say the least, mesmerizing. Hearing them touch the high chords with the lower ones with such an elegant finesse and consistency was very refreshing. I was in such a meditative trance that I almost felt that I was riding those chords with them. I always wonder how much practice/riyaaz and focus/sadhna do such performances require. One almost feels humble in the presence of such greatness.

More on their concert here.

At the same time, I was aghast at the snobbish attitude of some in the audience. They were there only because it was it was almost like a ritual for them to attend an indian classical concert just because there was one in the area. Their purpose there was to let people know that they have a discernible ear to differentiate between raag nand and raag durga. Granted its a difficult art to master, however, I think somewhere in their pursuit, they have forgotten the first lesson of Indian classical music, and that is humility. To prove my case, I am presenting an example of that great (and therefore humble) vocalist, Ustaad Amir Khan. They were giants, and as Carl Sagan would say, in comparison, we are nothing but a speck of dust:

In other words:
"laalayeet adhRoN se jisne haaye nahiN choomi haala
harshit kampit kar se jisne haay madhu ka chooaa pyaala
haath pakaD kar lajjit saaqi ko paas nahiN jisne kheencha
wyarth sukha Daali jeewan kee usne mahdumay madhushaala"

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Leap of Faith

Following a relatively moderate success at the Duke start-up challenge 2007, I have now decided to take the start-up idea head on. My absence from this blog may, therefore, be considered as deep breath before the plunge.

Together with my advisor, Dr. Ehsan Samei, I have now founded a company: AcuMage, LLC. The company is presently based on an x-ray multi-view stereoscopic imaging system that can provide a complete 3D view of an object (or anatomy) . But lets not focus on that. This post was meant to log my trials and tribulations with the bureaucracy of establishing a business in a country largely touted to be "entrepreneurial-friendly". By logging my experience, I am trying keep a record for myself, and at the same time, also hope to provide directions to a budding entrepreneur looking for tips on the internet.

1) The first step is to of course finalize a name for the company. After dabbling with 3S (acronym for 3D Stereoscopic Screening Systems), Advanced Imaging, and later AcuteMage, we iterated to AcuMage. The next step is to decide if its going to be an LLC or Inc. This decision is simple since an LLC provides tax benefits that Inc. does not. But if VC funding is sought, the business has to an Inc. However, an LLC can later be changed to Inc. without much ado.

2) At this point, the owners and their percentages need to be decided. It is required that at least 51% of the company be owned by a US citizen. Since I am an Indian citizen, I own 49% of the company. I am not sure about the implication of this ownership but I understand that this matters when we are trying to take an exit from the business.

3) Contact a lawyer and have him register the name with the secretary of state. This is a surprisingly easy task, but may get expensive if the company has to be founded in a rush (as was in our case).

$150 to the state, $125 to the lawyer, having your own company: priceless!


Friday, March 09, 2007

Duke Start-up challenge

We are one of the seven winning teams to make it to the finals of the Duke start-up challenge! It has been one heck of a roller coaster ride. Ah the academic world! Once more unto the breach...


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Pink Floyd: the 23rd day of september 2006

"And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about?": Went to Roger Waters Concert this weekend. I still can't believe I saw him in flesh and blood. The venue was huge and my first guess of the turn-up would be around 20000! In the first half, he performed numbers ranging from different albums, animals, wish you were here and I guess a couple of his new songs chiding Bush on the war on terror and what not. These were topped off, in the second half, with the dark side of the moon- the whole works! The music accompanied with the characteristic floydian background images and pyro-works had transformed the whole atmosphere. I think I was in trance and the rest is really history!

On a related note, here's a video of David Gilmour live in concert:

Sunday, September 10, 2006

A big day for me

wrote my first pitch as an assignment for a business course that I am taking in Fuqua, appropriately named Medical Device Commercialization. The pitch is for a a new device that I am working on for my PhD. Hope it sees the light of the day.

On other fronts, got my IRB. I am officially working on my Army grant now! Also started a conversation with Christ-al.
