Sunday, September 24, 2006

Pink Floyd: the 23rd day of september 2006

"And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about?": Went to Roger Waters Concert this weekend. I still can't believe I saw him in flesh and blood. The venue was huge and my first guess of the turn-up would be around 20000! In the first half, he performed numbers ranging from different albums, animals, wish you were here and I guess a couple of his new songs chiding Bush on the war on terror and what not. These were topped off, in the second half, with the dark side of the moon- the whole works! The music accompanied with the characteristic floydian background images and pyro-works had transformed the whole atmosphere. I think I was in trance and the rest is really history!

On a related note, here's a video of David Gilmour live in concert:

Sunday, September 10, 2006

A big day for me

wrote my first pitch as an assignment for a business course that I am taking in Fuqua, appropriately named Medical Device Commercialization. The pitch is for a a new device that I am working on for my PhD. Hope it sees the light of the day.

On other fronts, got my IRB. I am officially working on my Army grant now! Also started a conversation with Christ-al.
